Monday, October 17, 2005

Blank Links

I have sent a rant mail to the Apple Developer Connection's (the ADC, which is Apple's MSDN) support team, and received a weird letter in response:

Hello Aviad,

Thank you for contacting the Apple Developer Connection regarding Java and WebObjects.

Information regarding Java and WebObjects can be found at the following web page:

Alternatively, you can obtain further support for various Apple technologies via our Developer Mailing Lists:

You may wish to submit an Enhancement Request to Apple regarding any improvements you feel would be helpful by using the ADC Bug Reporter. This will ensure that your request is dealt with by the appropriate Apple team.

Information regarding submitting bug reports through the Bug Reporter can be found on our web site at:

The Bug Reporter allows ADC members to submit bug reports or enhancement requests directly into our bug database. The Bug Reporter also allows ADC members to check limited status on bug reports, originated by the member.

We hope that this information is of assistance to you. If you have any additional questions please feel free to contact us.

And I ask - WHY? Why bother having an automated response tool, if it doesn't even give me correct links? I can see two sad things coming out of this:

1. I could send them a mail saying I got no links - But then their automated response system would come up again saying that I should submit it to the Bug Reporter and Again not specify a link!
2. I could go to the Bug Reporter and report a bug - But I don't have the link!

Luckily, Google was on my side once again, and I have found the Bug Reporter.

And Joah thought I was weird.


At 10/18/2005 07:51:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you both are weird :)

At 10/18/2005 07:54:00 PM, Blogger Avah said...

I would say that calling us Weird is by far as useless as saying that the Sun is Yellow.

At 10/18/2005 08:01:00 PM, Blogger Avah said...

No, no, no...

... It's simple. You see, the Sun is Yellow to the beholder's eyes. But only if you dwell deep down in research (or rather, open an encyclopedia) you would know it is not yellow at all!

Such are we!


At 10/20/2005 07:31:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Avida, you have proven my point by responding the way you did. :)

At 10/20/2005 07:36:00 PM, Blogger Avah said...

Aviad! AVIAD!!!

My name is AVIAD, not Avaid, not Avida, not Adiva, not Any-Other-Combination-You-Could-Think-Of-That-ISNT-Aviad!!!!



So, vicky, you were saying? ;-)


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