Wednesday, September 28, 2005

What's cookin'?

Since Joah and I found out that we both like to cook, we started cooking and buying cooking books like crazy. Must say that for 4 pounds ingredients you get a 15 pounds dish, and it tastes even better!

In any case, I was just cruising (as usual) on the Apple site and I saw this cute application which might help us - It might help you, too! (Even though I'm sure that it being posted on Apple's main download page is better than posting it here, but I'm helping where I can)

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At 9/28/2005 10:12:00 AM, Blogger sven said...

Grog? Well, let's hope Podtender helps you, when you're out and about with an iPod and want a cocktail recipe...

At 9/28/2005 01:39:00 PM, Blogger Avah said...

As I know Joah, she'll get so drunk she'll use the iPod as a measuring cup...

Not a good idea to let her use an iPod while drinking.


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