Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Kabbalah, Shmabbalah, Yabbalah!

Now, not only does this site sells the foolish, oh-so-American Kaballah gizmos, it actually can't copy from its own drawings. If you please, check out this drawing of the Ten Sefirot. Then, compare it to the quote I have from their explanation of the drawing:

The 10 Sefirot
The Kabbalistic ten Sefirot correspond to qualities of G-d.
They consist of, in descending order:

Keter (the crown)
Chokhmah (wisdom)
Binah (intuition, understanding)
Chessed (mercy) or
Gedulah (greatness)
Guevourah (strength)
Tifereth (glory)
Netzach (victory)
Hod (majesty)
Yessod (foundation)
Malkhout (sovereignty).

Honestly. So silly.


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